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A Day at the Beach - Harry Potter FF

One Shot

It was a particularly hot day even though it was only ten o'clock in the morning. Hermione was lying on her belly on her teal towel with a thick volume resting on her forearms to keep it slightly closed to hide it from prying eyes. The book she was reading was about Transfiguration and there were too many Muggles around her who would not have understood.
She listened casually to the chatter of the girls lying next to her, intervening only from time to time. Often they were talking about topics that she didn't particularly like, but she alternated moments of study and moments of chat while the boys played in the water like children.
The girl put a bookmark between the pages of the book, closed it gently before rising on her knees and trying to rearrange with her hands behind her head the ponytail because with that heat keeping them loose was not really a possibility.
She glanced at her companions: the closest to her was Ginny, lying on her back, an electric blue swimsuit and a pair of sunglasses on her nose to hide her blue eyes, her red hair loose on her shoulders; next to he was Luna, a rather eccentric one-piece swimsuit that she would never have been able to define if not for the canary yellow color that was not a good match with her blond hair and light eyes; the next one was Tonks sitting on the beach towel with her arms resting behind her head and her face facing the sun with her eyes closed, her hair oddly of a classic light brown color instead of the usual fuchsia; and lastly, Mrs. Weasley, who read recipes in the Witch Weekly magazine, still participating in the chatter, red hair identical to those of the rest of the family kept under a wide-brimmed straw hat.
Hermione chose to rub her skin with cream to avoid sunburns before returning to pay attention to the volume of her favorite subject.
Shortly after, her companions all stood up catching her eye.
"We want to go for a walk on the shore, do you want to come with us?" asked her Ginny with smile.
"No, thank you. I would like to finish my reading." She replied: "Maybe I'll join you later."
"Come on Hermione, we're on vacation, you can't study every time." The redhead replied, but without results.
"You sound like your brother. Really, now I don't feel like it, I'll catch you later. "
"Okay, but don't spend the whole day there." The young Weasley said before meeting the others already with their feet on the shore.
Hermione watched them walk away for a few seconds before returning to her reading.
She was so taken with the words written on the pages that she didn't notice that someone had approached her until a wet and cold hand was placed on her back.
"Ah!" She cried surprises immediately turning her head and then grabbing a handful of sand in her hand to try to hit the culprit of that joke.
"Come on Hermione, I just wanted to freshen you up!" Exclaimed Harry amused as he settled himself on the towel to the right of the girl who watched him for a few seconds: the boy was wearing a dark green trunks, the body was well built thanks to Quidditch, his hair, that were usually rebellious, in that moment were wet and flattened on the head and the round glasses, with his splendid green eyes behind them, were still on the nose completely dry thanks to a spell that she had cast before to use them even in the water.
"Everything's ok, Mione?" He asked noticing that she was enchanted.
"Yes." She said recovering herself and blushing slightly: "The water didn't bother me, but you caught me by surprise, that's all." Then, looking around, she noticed the lack of the other boys: "But where are the others? "
"They followed the girls on their walk," he replied.
"And why didn't you go too?" The girl asked again.
"Can't I spend some time with my best friend? And why didn't you go then? ”
She shrugged: "I wanted to finish my reading."
Harry leaned forward a little and raised the book with a dry hand to see the title. He smiled, after all he had expected it from his Hermione.
"Pleasure reading or for school?" He asked knowing that it was a type of reading that the girl could easily read even in her spare time.
"The first, McGonagall recommended it," she replied lying down imitated immediately by him.
"Well, then I'll let you go on," Harry said keeping his word.
It was Hermione who did not remain silent for long. After a few seconds, she looked up at the boy noticing that he was with his eyes fixed on the sea lost in his thoughts, his features very serious.
"Something is wrong, Harry?" She asked worriedly.
"No, don't worry," he replied, but she didn't believe him. She knew him too well to understand when something was wrong.
"Is it the scar? Does it hurt? ”She asked anxiously.
In response she received only one shake of his head followed by silence.
Hermione sighed, she didn't like it when he didn't open up with her. So she sat up and pushed herself closer to the boy's body, leaning on his shoulder.
"I'll wet you," he said.
"I'm hot, it doesn't bother me." She replied so he put his arm around her shoulders pushing her more against him.
They remained in silence for a few seconds staring at the sea then she started to speack again seeking his eyes: "So, do you want to tell me what worries you? Aren't you having fun?"
He shook his head: "That's not it, I'm having a great day."
"So what?"
Harry sighed: "How many days like these can we have, Hermione? How many other times will we be able to come to the beach with our friends to enjoy ourselves? "He paused for a moment as if to think what to say: " I think about our future and I can't see other days like this one, we are entering more and more into a dangerous war that we don't know how it will end and ... I am scared. I'm afraid something could happen to any of you, to Ron ... to you. " He took her face in his hands:" I couldn't stand it if Voldermot or one of his Death Eaters would hurt you. "
Hermione raised a hand to stroke his cheek: "As long as we are all together, as long as we stay together, we will be able to overcome everything. We will win this war, not Him and both Ron and I will always be by your side to help you."
He didn't answer, just closed his eyes and leaned his forehead against the girl's.
"Harry, it's normal to be worried these days. Just because your name is Harry Potter doesn't mean you have to show yourself strong for all of us. Talk to us because we are your best friends, talk to me that I am your girlfriend." Then she smiled giving him a quick kiss on his lips: "But don't let your fears ruin a day as beautiful as this. "
She did not immediately received an answer, but soon Hermione found herself lost again in that pair of green eyes that she loved so much: "Thank you, Mione, I wouldn't know what to do without you."
"You'd be lost," she replied with a laugh infecting even the boy before he joined their lips in a passionate kiss.
Hermione was completely estranged from the rest of the world clinging to her boyfriend's shoulders, so when someone pulled her away by the hips and lifted her into the air, she screamed in surprise before finding herself loaded on Ron's right shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
"Ronald Weasley! Put me down immediately! Is that clear? Let me go!” She began to scream in the vain hope that his best friend would listen to her.
"Come on, Hermione, you've been lying there all morning reading, a swin won't hurt you." He exclaimed. Not that she didn't like swimming, but she preferred to get into the water slowly getting her body used to the different temperature. She was sure that the red had something else in mind: "Ronald, don't you try to do what you are thinking or I ... "
"Or you what? Sorry Hermione, you can't make me pay using your magic. "
The girl then thought of changing tactics and turned to her boyfriend: "You!"
"Me? What did I do? ”Harry asked puzzled.
"Nothing, that's the problem! If you don't come and give me a hand, I swear I will take my revenge!" She threatened him with a serious face and the boy immediately stood up to join them.
"Ron, maybe you should listen to her and ..." but he didn't have time to finish once their friend threw the girl into the sea who barely had time to take a deep breath before being completely enveloped in cold water. When she emerged, she had a pout on her lips.
"You both will pay for this!" She exclaimed turning her back and swimming offshore.
"Hey, why me?" Harry asked exchanging glances with his friend without receiving a reply.
Hermione then returned to shore ignoring them completely, but when she found herself a few steps away from the two boys she began to splash them violently wetting them from head to toe and starting a water battle and soon they were joined by Fred and George, Bill and Charlie.
When they were tired, they started to float on the water without really knowing who had won, in fact probably there had been neither winners nor losers and Harry couldn't help thinking that it would be nice to worry only about not being splashed or drowned for fun.
"I'm going to try bring my girlfriend in the water too." Ron said eyeing Luna: "Bill, can you help me  with our sister?"
The eldest of the Weasley brothers followed immediately Ron out of the water.
"Poor girls." Hermione muttered as Harry passed her.
"They will suffer the same fate as you, I fear." The boy chuckled looking in the direction of the towels, the same one from which came two cries of surprise of a redhead and a blonde girl.
"Hey, I haven't forgiven you for not coming to my aid just yet."
"I tried to do it, but I arrived too late." He said in his defense.
"Exactly, you should have arrived earlier and not under my request."
For a few seconds she received no answer and the girl thought that Harry had been offended by those joking phrases even though she knew him very well to know that he wasn't. In fact, she felt herself being grabbed from behind and pushed against his chest.
"Forgive me, please." He murmured against her ear sending a shiver down her spine.
"I don't know, I have to think about it," she replied trying to play with him and keep control over her voice. Meanwhile they heard the sound of two bodies breaking the surface of the water immediately followed by the noises of the girls seeking revenge.
"I promise that from now on I will prevent Ron from doing other things like that."
"I don't think that's enough." But it was clear she was about to give in.
"I promise I will always protect you, my love."
At those words she turned around to be able to look him in the eyes: "And I promise to always remain by your side."
He smiled: "Are you sure?"
"Never been more sure of something in my life." Then she froze as if she had an afterthought: "Well, to be honest there is something else that I am equally sure of."
"What?" He asked with a smile, he was sure he knew the answer.
"I love you, Harry Potter." There was no sign of uncertainty in her voice.
"I love you too, Miss Granger."
And they joined their lips in a sweet kiss again.


* History also present on EFP.

Author Notes:
I wrote this story a few years ago, so when I posted it here I made some small corrections, but I didn't change anything in the story. I hope you like it and if you feel like it leave me a little review to let me know what you think!

P.S. I am sorry for any mistake you will find (I am sure you will!)

#HarryPotter #HermioneGranger #RonWeasley #HarryPotterFanFiction #fanfiction #HarryPotterFF #oneshot


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